Davies offers a large selection of wheelchairs which can be fitted to your specific needs. Our experts can do wheelchair assessments to find the best suited chair for you. You can rent or purchase various types of wheelchairs, including manual, power, tilt, and transport chairs.
The QUICKIE® 2 is the most sought-after folding ultra lightweight manual wheelchair. Featuring a modular design that can change with you, the QUICKIE 2 offers the broadest range of possible...
The timeless standard good for every day mobility and long lasting quality. The Breezy® 600 is a feature-packed high-strength lightweight wheelchair with numerous options to maximize function and access to your environment....
With its effortless center-of-gravity pivot, the Fuze T50 Manual Tilt-in-Space wheelchair offers up to 50° of tilt. It is designed for users who need pressure relief or routine repositioning for...
The Focus CR is the execution of the Science of Complex Rotation. Complex Rotation is a system that utilizes two control paths with two different centers of rotation to minimize the...
The simple solution forrotation-in-space wheelchair technology The Quickie® SR45® tilt-in-space wheelchair features 45° of Intelligent Rotation in Space Technology and a simplified mix of options to provide proper positioning and...
Designed to provide pressure relief, improved positioning, and independence, the Stellar GL is a manual tilt-in-space wheelchair designed to offer up to 45° of tilt while maintaining low occupant knee...
The Bentley is a Manual Tilt-in-Space Wheelchair designed to offer up to 20° of tilt from the front of the seat, making it an excellent choice for postural positioning and...
The ROBOOTER E40 Lightweight Electric Wheelchair is designed for those seeking mobility, convenience, and comfort. Its compact, travel-friendly design is perfect for navigating both indoor and outdoor environments, with added...
The Robooter X40 Power Wheelchair is designed for those seeking a versatile and robust mobility solution. Featuring automatic folding and powerful all-terrain capabilities, this advanced wheelchair is perfect for both...