Personalized Fittings

Our team will work with you to assist in a wide variety of fittings for all your medical needs.

Bracing/Orthopedic: Davies offers a wide variety of bracing that will cover you from fingers to toes, and all parts in between. When you have an injury, our team will work with you to find the best possible solution to meet your medical needs and conditions and aid and encourage a faster recovery. View Collection

Compression Stockings: Our fitters are fully certified. Davies carries the best name brands of support stockings on site. We offer over the counter and prescription grade for every need. View Collection


We are locally based, so we understand the ever-changing community. We provide free in-home assessments with you and your family, Occupational Therapists, Physiotherapists or any medical professionals to ensure the home is safe. We work to ADA standards, and follow “Age in Place” protocols to allow families to stay home longer.